Many individuals with malignant mesothelioma don’t have access to palliative care before undergoing the worst of the aggressive cancer symptoms, according to a study conducted by cancer investigators in Italy.

Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a really aggressive cancer which could arise several years following asbestos exposure, among the most crucial factors known to be related to this disorder. When handled in earlier stages, it generally has a much better outlook. However, most patients present with advanced illness, and several endure under a year after identification. Mesothelioma is usually immune to radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy treatment, and long term survival and treatments are extremely rare.

Though mesothelioma survival rates are improving, palliative care is the mainstay of therapy for a disorder with a bad prognosis.

To inspect the epidemiological features and symptom burden of mesothelioma patients when admitted to house palliative care, researchers headed by Sebastiano Mercadante, MD, together with the Pain Relief and Palliative Care Unit at Palermo — reviewed 674 medical charts of patients admitted to residence palliative care plans with a diagnosis of mesothelioma in an endemic darkened location.

Of patient histories reviewed, a total of 56 individuals (8.3%) had a mesothelioma diagnosis. About three-fourths reported feelings of pain with their mesothelioma, particularly in the chest, even though getting medium-to-high doses of opioids. Eighteen reported moderate pain, and two acute pain.

Medical records also demonstrated many of the patients had signs of advanced disease even before they had been admitted to the palliative care plan.

One of the mesothelioma patients contained in the analysis, pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, and poor appetite were one of the very acute and difficult symptoms. Many also endured with cough and a buildup of fluid around the lungs.

Malignant Mesothelioma Patients in Italy Seen to Enter Palliative Care Late in Disease”This study proves that mesothelioma can be a catastrophic cancer using a relevant symptom burden, which patients have been known to palliative care in the course of their disorder, suggesting that before integration of palliative care ought to be thought to ease suffering in most disease stages — not just in the end of life,” the investigators concluded.